viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013


Well, today I will talk about a special electronic object in my life... the MP4. Yes... the MP4... some years ago... may be four, I received my first MP4... that change my life, the music was an incredible analgesic, and estimulanting. I listen all kind of music... in the bus, walking, sleeping... in the bathroom xD ... the music is an important part of my life... I learn many new things with the music, in Spanish and in English... the topics are the same; love, hate, happines, etc, and the music, even when we don't know what the song say... we undertand the message...
The music is one of the most important things in the expression of the man... some great musician say "Indeed, if not for the music, there would be more reason to go crazy." (Piotr Ilich Tchaikovski).
For all that I need my MP4, I use it everytime... I read with music, and study too... is really necesary for me... in two times a losed my MP4... I had two, this is the second... I don't remember what happens with the first :P ... but was terrible for me U.u ... I really need the music... a few weeks ago my present MP4 was wet... and did't torn on... was terrible, I was sad... but for my happiness today is good :D.... I can listen music :)
This is the model of my MP4 :)

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013


Today I going to talk about life...
Life is beautiful. Can feeling and express feelings, look the nature and see all the perfection that it has.
See the animals, listen the rain, enjoy the light of the sun, the sound of the sea... but, the problem, it's not the life, the problem is the world that the human been created... the primitive people live in harmony with the earth, they had respect, but i don't know in what holy moment we started to desecrate that harmony!!. In ours day the think is criticaly, we are destroying the world with our silence,irresponsability and unconsciousness. The life is wonderfull, but we can't permit that the world continue deteriorating, we must to think in the children, in the future that we are living their and the millions to come. We can't forbidden their all the things that life offer. Is our duty do this world best than it was when we born...
We can forget all the things that happens, we can say that "is our life, we can live how we want", but listening me... If  the poverty comes to your home, affect your family... what you will do?
We must to pay attention, other people want to dominate us... don't we forget the meaning of life...

Regards! :)